
This is a Spotlight element, and it's generally used – as its name implies – to spotlight a particular feature, subject, or pretty much whatever. You can customize its appearance with a number of modifiers, as well as assign it an optional onload or onscroll transition modifier (details).


This is also a Spotlight element, and it's here because this demo would look a bit empty with just one spotlight. Like all spotlights, you can customize its appearance with a number of modifiers, as well as assign it an optional onload or onscroll transition modifier (details).


And yes, this is another Spotlight element, and it's also here because I need to fill a bit of space. Naturally, like any other spotlight, you can customize its appearance with a number of modifiers, as well as assign it an optional onload or onscroll transition modifier (details).


This is a Gallery element. It can behave as a lightbox (when given the lightbox class), and you can customize its appearance with a number of modifiers, as well as assign it an optional onload or onscroll transition modifier (details).